Event Location

Relexa Hotel, Frankfut am Main (Germany)

Event Date
Dr. med. Bernd Rieger: Ausbildung zum Hormone Coach
Event Details

Hormone coach training: practical part
Organised by Hormonie Dr. med. Berndt Rieger

We cordially invite you to our exclusive workshop organised by Hormonie under the direction of Dr Berndt Rieger. This event comprises 12 hours of face-to-face training over two consecutive days.

Contents of the workshop:

  • Determination of the hormonal situation and measures to restore hormonal balance
  • Physical examination including antler, body diagnostics and temperature analysis
  • Interpretation of temperature, symptoms and laboratory values
  • Technique and performance of thyroid ultrasound
  • Use of bioidentical hormones, in particular thyroid extracts and biological hormone replacement for adrenal glands and gonads

Please note that registration and participation in this seminar is only possible via the following website: www.hormonie.org


Dr.med.univ. Berndt Rieger

Dr.med.univ. Berndt Rieger

Dr Berndt Rieger worked at various hospitals for eleven years and qualified as a specialist in internal medicine in 2001. He is a practising internist and naturopath in Plauen. In 2005, he founded the Centre for Traditional European Medicine, a training centre for alternative practitioners and doctors, which also offers further training in holistic hormone therapy. Dr Rieger is the author of successful health guides, including the bestsellers "The Thyroid Gland", "The Adrenal Gland" and "Hormone Experience".

Participation fee

Participation fee: 950,00€

Please transfer the amount to the following account, the registration is only valid after receipt of payment:

Dr Berndt Rieger, IBAN: DE93 7705 0000 0300 6732 74, BIC: BYLADEM1SKB

You will then receive the course documents, access to the training portal and information about the video conferences.