Bios: Traditional Chinese Medicine in its purest form

Medicinal plants are the heart and essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Bios Pharmaceuticals offers a wide range of contemporary TCM herbal preparations: traditional and modern formulas, single herbs and customised formulations.

Hormones in balance: Receptura

Receptura Apotheke in Frankfurt am Main offers modern hormone replacement therapy with individual formulations made from natural, nature-identical hormones.


Where the future is born: the FIZ

The Frankfurter Biotechnology Innovation Centre is the business and development centre for biotechnology at the science and pharmaceutical location of Frankfurt am Main.


Formula: The stars of orthomolecular medicine

In addition to hormones, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals also play a decisive role in anti-ageing medicine: Formula offers the best products and expert knowledge for orthomolecular medicine from a single source.

Advice and service: The Struwwelpeter pharmacy

The Struwwelpeter Pharmacy in Frankfurt a. M. offers individual health advice and prevention, travel medicine, Schüssler salts, Bach flower remedies and much more.